IOM Belgium and Luxembourg and the organizations in its network offer a wide range of trainings and info sessions. Organizations, companies and public institutions have the possibility to tap into this knowledge network that aims to build capacity and to facilitate the exchange of expertise at multiple levels across the regions of Belgium and beyond.

Please note that info sessions are provided without costs and trainings are delivered based on a fee, with the exception of all sessions on voluntary return and reintegration. More information can be requested through the button below.

Information inquiry

A variety of themes linked to migration topics are included in this dynamic IOM Training Catalogue:

  • Anti-racism and -discrimination
  • Child protection
  • Communication
  • Cultural orientation
  • Diaspora engagement
  • Ethical recruitment
  • Gender and inclusion
  • Human trafficking
  • Intercultural competences
  • IOM General
  • Migrant protection
  • Social inclusion and integration
  • Voluntary return and reintegration

Training catalogue 

Anti-racism and -discrimination
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Community policing - Training

Developed as part of IOM's CoP project.

This training provides participants insight into good practices of current community policing initiatives in Belgium. Practical guidelines on specific action-points will be presented which can be piloted in the context of any Belgian police zone to build trust in the community. Law enforcement professionals Adaptable Dutch, French and English Complaint mechanisms- Training; Creating safer spaces for victims of hate crimes and discrimination - Training; Human resources- Training (Anti-racism and discrimination)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Complaint mechanisms - Training

Developed as part of IOM's CoP project.

This training provides participants with a better understanding of law enforcement complaint mechanisms. The training looks at what complaint mechanisms exist, what the ongoing challenges are and what lessons can be learnt from them. Law enforcement professionals Adaptable Dutch, French and English Community policing- Training; Creating safer spaces for victims of hate crimes and discrimination - Training; Human resources- Training (Anti-racism and discrimination)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Creating safer spaces for victims of hate crimes and discrimination - Training

Developed as part of IOM's RAHA project.

This training increases the capacity of participants to create safe(r) spaces for victims of hate crimes and discrimination when they are submitting a complaint. It provides guidance on how to adequately recognize and respond to racism and discrimination against people with a migration background. The training offers some practical guidelines that can be used in daily operations. Law enforcement professionals Adaptable Dutch, French and English Community policing - Training; Complaint mechanisms- Training; Human resources - Training (Anti-racism and discrimination) In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Human resources - Training

Developed as part of IOM's CoP project.

This training provides participants insight into good practices for diverse and inclusive recruitment policies for law enforcement professionals. Practical guidelines for diverse recruitment processes will be presented; based on the lessons learnt from the Belgian police context. Law enforcement professionals Adaptable Dutch, French and English Community policing- Training; Complaint mechanisms- Training; Creating safer spaces for victims of hate crimes and discrimination - Training (Anti-racism and discrimination)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Child protection
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Caring for Unaccompanied Migrant Children - Training

Developed as part of IOM's U-CARE project.

This training aims to strengthen the care of UMC throughout six modules. Participants learn about UMC and their legal and procedural rights, as well as (what is needed to meet) their needs (related to identity, mental health, resilience, sensitive information).The training also has an important self-care module for caregivers. Frontline workers, care givers, staff from NGOs and CSOs 2 days English Culture-sensitive care for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training; Working with Unaccompanied Migrant Children in reception - Training (Child protection)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Culture-sensitive care for Unaccompanied Migrant Children - Training

Developed as part of IOM's U-CARE project.

This training dives into culture-sensitive care for migrant children. It provides guidance on how to adequately recognize and respond to racism and discrimination against migrant children. The training can be given separately, or as an additional module to the "Caring for UMC' training. Frontline workers, care givers, staff from NGOs and CSOs 1- 2 days (based on level of interaction needed) English Caring for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training; Working with Unaccompanied Migrant Children in reception - Training (Child protection)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

In this information session, participants are informed of the specific vulnerabilities of Unaccompanied Migrant Children (UMC) who wish to return to their countries of origin. The information session provides participants the tools to deal with those vulnerabilities at all stages of the return and reintegration process. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs, Return and Reintegration counsellors Adaptable Dutch, French and English

Caring for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training; Culture-sensitive care for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training; Working with Unaccompanied Migrant Children in reception - Training (Child protection)

Support to persons with medical needs in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session (Voluntary return and reintegration)

Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Working with Unaccompanied Migrant Children in reception - Training

Developed as part of IOM's Equalcity project.

This training familiarizes participants with the topic of Sexual and Gender-Based violence in relation to unaccompanied migrant children (UMC). The training can be adapted according to the participants: frontline workers, intercultural mediators in reception structures or (legal/volunteer) guardians working with UMC. Frontline workers, care givers, staff from NGOs and CSOs Adaptable French and English Caring for Unaccompanied Migrant Children - Training; Culture-sensitive care for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training (Child protection)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality
How to use the Telegram app in a migration context - Communication Training In this training, frontline workers (in shelters) are taught various tips and tricks on how to use the social media platform Telegram for daily use in operations. Frontline workers, reception structures, staff from NGOs and CSOs 1,5 hours Dutch, English and Ukrainian / Virtual/In-person training by IOM.

Other Talk: A culture-sensitive approach - frames about migration - Training

Developed as part of the Other Talk project.

In this training, (prospective) teachers will learn about and become aware about frames and counter frames related to migration. Participants will learn how to look at school material and topics from a culture-sensitive lense and will get tools which will allow to create safer class room spaces. Prospective teachers, Teachers 2 hours Dutch but tools can be translated Other Talk: Intercultural competences for creating an intercultural school culture - Training; Toolbox: Interactive class room games on privileges, intersectionality, frames and diversity; Other Talk Database: Guest speakers list on culture-sensitivity and interculturality (Intercultural competences)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Cultural orientation
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Pre-departure orientation for migrants in labour mobility initiatives - Training

Developed as part of IOM's DT4E project.

This training is a crash course on living and working in Belgium provided to migrant workers before their departure to Belgium. Participants get to know the Belgian system, norms and values and are informed about topics like education & housing opportunities, the cost of life and finances & employment (including focus on workers’ rights & obligations), social security & healthcare and other practical arrangements (visa, travel, first days). Participants are also taught several soft skills.

Labour migrants 3 days (can be shortened if necessary) English Preparation for candidate migrant workers - Training (Cultural orientation) In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Preparation for candidate migrant workers - Training

Developed as part of IOM's DT4E project.

This training supports participating migrant workers to prepare for interviews with Belgian employers in the framework of labour mobility initiatives. The focus is on working culture in BE, tips & tricks for interviews with Belgian employers, expectation management and soft skills. Labour migrants 1 hour French and English Pre-departure orientation for migrants in labour mobility initiatives - Training (Cultural orientation) In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Preparation for employers on hiring displaced talent - Training

Developed as part of IOM's DT4E project.

This training promotes a better understanding of the global displacement context and the issues that displaced talents might experience in their labour migration journey. Employers can follow the training before selection process takes place, focusing on how to read and assess CVs of displaced talent and how to handle interviews with these candidates. The training can also be delivered after the contract is signed, just before relocation of the talent to Belgium, to facilitate onboarding of displaced talents. Employers also how to identify potential differences between workplace cultures and cultural adaptation processes that talents might undergo. The role and responsibility of the employer in the two-way integration process of their employee are also emphasized. Employers, private sector 1-3 hours (depending on the topics and needs) English /

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.


Diaspora engagement
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Remittances - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's O-REMIT project.

This info session discusses the phenomenon of remitting: money transactions done by migrants and diaspora. During the session, quantitative data on the remittance flows globally and from Belgium are discussed. Frontline workers, diaspora, staff from NGOs and CSOs, policy makers and private sector 1,5 hours Dutch, French and English / Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Remittances: Maximize Financial Aid for Families - Training

Developed as part of IOM's O-REMIT project.

The manual provides strategies to maximize the use of remittances while promoting cost transparency, management of personal finances and budgeting, and digital inclusion. Diaspora and migrant communities 3 - 4 hours Dutch, French and English /

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Ethical recruitment
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality
Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - Training This training presents tools and resources to improve access to justice for migrant workers and victims of human trafficking for labour exploitation. The first two modules discuss key concepts (1) and the legal framework at international, european (and national) level (2). The other modules focus on prevention (3), protection (4) and prosecution (5) in relation to migrant workers, access to justice and labour exploitation. Each module includes information on obstacles that migrant workers, policymakers and practitioners face with regard to access to justice, and recommendations for improving such access. Frontline workers, legal experts, law enforcement professionals, staff from CSOs and NGOs, private sector and policy makers 2 days (could be shortened , based on needs, target audience, and no. of modules selected) English Counter-Trafficking - Info session ; Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session ; Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (Human trafficking)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

International Recruitment - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's DT4E project.

This info session for employers covers the topic of international recruitment in the framework of labour mobility initiatives. Participants discuss the applicable legal framework and related immigration procedure. The support that IOM and partners can offer throughout the process is presented through a case study . The session can also be enriched with thematic roundtables on specific topics (e.g. immigration procedure; sourcing & matching; integration support; etc.).

Employers, private sector 1-2 hours (with or without thematic roundtables) Dutch, French and English Preparation for employers on hiring displaced talent - Training (Cultural orientation) Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.


Gender and inclusion
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Toolbox: Interactive class room games on privileges, intersectionality, frames and diversity

Developed as part of the Other Talk project.

This tool lists 4 interactive games that can be used in the class room to teach students about 1) privileges, 2) intersectionality, 3) frames and 4) diversity. Prospective teachers, Teachers / Dutch but tools can be translated

Other Talk: A culture-sensitive approach - frames about migration - Training (Communication);

Other Talk: Intercultural competences for creating an intercultural school culture - Training (Intercultural competences); 

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Safe(r) spaces for LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background - Training

Developed as part of IOM's Equalcity project.

This training increases the capacity of participants to create safe(r) spaces for people with a migrant background who identify as LGBTQI+*. Through this training, IOM wants to help bridge the gap between LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background and frontline services in urban contexts. The training offers some practical guidelines and standard procedures that can be used in daily operations.

Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs Adaptable Dutch, French and English Gender-based Violence in a migration context - Creating Safer Spaces Training (Migrant protection)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Supporting migrant women and girls in the context of gender-based violence - Training

Developed as part of IOM's Equalcity project.

This training aims to guide participants in providing more tailored support to migrant women and girls who survived sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Women and girls may need more medical, psycho-social, legal, administrative, and/or general assistance to these communities. The training consists of four modules on SGBV with additional practical guidance for professionals and trainers (one Annex per module). Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs Adaptable Dutch, French and English /

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Human trafficking
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality
Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - Training This training presents tools and resources to improve access to justice for migrant workers and victims of human trafficking for labour exploitation. The first two modules discuss key concepts (1) and the legal framework at international, european (and national) level (2). The other modules focus on prevention (3), protection (4) and prosecution (5) in relation to migrant workers, access to justice and labour exploitation. Each module includes information on obstacles that migrant workers, policymakers and practitioners face with regard to access to justice, and recommendations for improving such access. Frontline workers, legal experts, law enforcement professionals, staff from CSOs and NGOs, private sector and policy makers 2 days (could be shortened , based on needs, target audience, and no. of modules selected) English Counter-Trafficking - Info session ; Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session ; Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (Human trafficking)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Counter-Trafficking - Info session This information session covers the phenomenon of human trafficking and the important difference between trafficking and smuggling. During the session, the challenges of counter-trafficking and possible recommendations are also discussed. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs, employers, private sector and hospitals 2 hours Dutch, French and English Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session ;  Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (Migrant protection) Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.
Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session This information session covers the protection and assistance to Victims of Trafficking (VoTs). Topics such as the national referral mechanism, assessing risks of VoTs and reintegration assistance are discussed. Frontline workers, employers, private sector, medical institutions 2 hours Dutch, French and English Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - TrainingCounter-Trafficking - Info session ; Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session (Migrant protection) Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Skills Training And Reintegration (STAR) CV builder workshop

Developed as part of IOM's STAR project.

The Skills Training and Reintegration (STAR) Project supports survivors of human trafficking and modern slavery on their journey towards employment and integration in Belgium. Survivors of human trafficking, (private sector) law firms and staff from CSOs and NGOs 2 or 2,5 hours English Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - Training ; Counter-Trafficking - Info session ; Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session (Migrant protection) In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

This information session focuses on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration as a sustainable solution for Victims of Trafficking (VoTs). Topics such as the risk assessment of VoTs and the challenges of reintegration assistance are discussed. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs 2 hours Dutch, French and English

Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - Training ; Counter-Trafficking - Info session (Migrant protection)

Support to persons with medical needs in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session (Voluntary return and reintegration)

Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.


Intercultural competences
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Diversity and Inclusion for companies - Training

Developed as part of IOM's DT4E project.

This is a training for employers that supports them in creating a diverse and inclusive workspace and develop intercultural competences. The training package consists of four modules in total, which can be tailored made and adapted to the needs of the requesting employer. They can be provided as a package, as well as independently from one another, with some adaptions. The four modules are: key concepts of intercultural competence: theory and practice (1), unconscious bias & discrimination (2), how to create an inclusive workplace: Learn the difference between diversity and inclusion and key steps to create successful diversity and inclusion policies (3), diversity management: learn about how intercultural conflicts can arise and how to resolve potential conflicts + discover the phases of cultural resistance and how to create an inclusive company culture by using a roadmap for cultural transformation (4).

Private sector Ad hoc, depending on scope of the training and modules (ideally: around 3 hours per module). English / In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.
Formation en interculturalité et empathie La formation en interculturalité et empathie comprend 2 modules. Module 1: prise de conscience des diversités culturelles et de leur impact sur la communication. Présentation pratique de l’approche interculturelle comme outil de dépassement du choc culturel. Module 2: Stéréotype, préjugé, discrimination, ethnocentrisme et racisme. Comment surmonter ces éléments qui limitent l’approche interculturelle à travers des mises en situation? Staff and volunteers from CSOs and NGOs, frontline workers, policy makers 1 day French / In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Other Talk: A culture-sensitive approach - frames about migration - Training

Developed as part of the Other Talk project.

In this training, (prospective) teachers will learn about and become aware about frames and counterframes related to migration. Participants will learn how to look at school material and topics from a culture-sensitive lense and will get tools which will allow to create safer class room spaces. Prospective teachers, Teachers 2 hours Dutch but tools can be translated  Other Talk: Intercultural competences for creating an intercultural school culture - Training; Toolbox: Interactive class room games on privileges, intersectionality, frames and diversity; Other Talk Database: Guest speakers list on culture-sensitivity and interculturality (Gender and Inclusion)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Other Talk Database: Guest speakers list on culture-sensitivity and interculturality

Developed as part of the Other Talk project.

This is a database of diverse experts on the topics of migration and diversity, to ensure that there is more space in class rooms for diverse expert voices Everyone / Dutch but tools can be translated  Other Talk: Intercultural competences for creating an intercultural school culture - Training; Other Talk: A culture-sensitive approach - frames about migration - Training; Toolbox: Interactive class room games on privileges, intersectionality, frames and diversity (Gender and Inclusion) Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Other Talk: Intercultural competences for creating an intercultural school culture - Training

Developed as part of the Other Talk project.

In this training, (prospective) teachers will learn how to create an intercultural school culture where all students feel welcome. The participants will learn about the concept of culture, intercultural communication and making them aware about their own frames, stereotypes and (unconscious) bias, in a theoretical and practical way (through case studies). The role of the teacher and the impact of creating a diverse and inclusive culture is further explored as well. Prospective teachers, Teachers 2-3 hours Dutch but tools can be translated  Other Talk: A culture-sensitive approach - frames about migration - Training; Toolbox: Interactive class room games on privileges, intersectionality, frames and diversity; Other Talk Database: Guest speakers list on culture-sensitivity and interculturality (Gender and Inclusion)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


IOM General
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality
IOM Belgium and Luxembourg - Info session This information session will provide a general introduction into the work of the International Organization for Migration in Belgium and Luxembourg. IOM's strategic plan and thematic expertise will be presented with attention for the operational capacity and thematic priorities in Belgium and Luxembourg. Everyone Ad hoc Dutch, French, English and Spanish / Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.


Migrant protection
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality
Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - Training This training presents tools and resources to improve access to justice for migrant workers and victims of human trafficking for labour exploitation. The first two modules discuss key concepts (1) and the legal framework at international, european (and national) level (2). The other modules focus on prevention (3), protection (4) and prosecution (5) in relation to migrant workers, access to justice and labour exploitation. Each module includes information on obstacles that migrant workers, policymakers and practitioners face with regard to access to justice, and recommendations for improving such access. Frontline workers, legal experts, law enforcement professionals, staff from CSOs and NGOs, private sector and policy makers 2 days (could be shortened , based on needs, target audience, and no. of modules selected) English Counter-Trafficking - Info session ; Protection and Assistance for Victims of Trafficking - Info session ; Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (Human trafficking)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Gender-based Violence in a migration context - Creating Safer Spaces Training This training increases the capacity of participants to create safe(r) spaces for people with a migrant background with a specific focus on gender-based violence. The training consists of 2 parts. Firstly, the GBV part has 3 modules: Intersectionality (1), Domestic violence (2), other forms of GBV (3). The second part of Safe(r) spaces has 4 modules: LGBTQI+ and social norms (1), migration and stereotypes (2), how to set up safer Spaces (3), how to run safer spaces (4). The two parts can also be trained separately. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs, private sector and policy makers 2 days English Safe(r) spaces for LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background - Training (Gender and Inclusion/ Migrant protection) In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.
Inclusive approach to working with people with disabilities - Training In this training, IOM's approach to disability-inclusive work is set out. Firstly, disability is defined, followed by a discussion on the link between disability and vulnerability. By identifying barriers and enablers, participants take on a more inclusive approach to working with people with disabilities. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs and policy makers 2-3 hours English / In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.
People with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) and Migration - Training This training trains participants on SOGIESC in a migration context and how intersectionality plays an important role. The training consists of 7 modules: an introduction (1), the terminology on diverse SOGIESC (2), global overview (3), International law (4), inclusive communication (5), Creating safe spaces (6), myths and realities (7) Frontline workers 2 days English / In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.
Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) -Training This training aims to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse and says no to sexual conduct. The training defines misconduct, deconstructs power relations and discusses reporting mechanisms. The participants will also discuss several case studies. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs and policy makers Webinar format: 2.5 hours, In person: 1 day English / In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Safe(r) spaces for LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background - Training

Developed as part of IOM's Equalcity project.

This training increases the capacity of participants to create safe(r) spaces for people with a migrant background who identify as LGBTQI+. IOM wants to help bridge the gap between LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background and frontline services in urban contexts. The training offers some practical guidelines and standard procedures that can be used in daily operations. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs Adaptable Dutch, French and English Gender-based Violence in a migration context - Creating Safer Spaces Training (Migrant protection)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Supporting migrant women and girls in the context of gender-based violence - Training

Developed as part of IOM's Equalcity project.

This training aims to guide participants in providing more tailored support to migrant women and girls who survived sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Women and girls may need more medical, psycho-social, legal, administrative, and/or general assistance to these communities. The training consists of four modules on SGBV with additional practical guidance for professionals and trainers (one Annex per module). Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs Adaptable Dutch, French and English Gender-based Violence in a migration context - Creating Safer Spaces Training (Migrant protection)

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Social inclusion and integration
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality
Introduction to the Belgian housing market - Info session This information session gives an introduction to the Belgian housing market and guidelines for beneficiaries and frontline workers on how to search for private housing. Beneficiaries (with non-belgian nationality), frontline workers 3 hours Dutch, French and English / Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Communicating with migrant parents: preventing and combating violence in a family context - Training

Developed as part of IOM's Equalcity project.

This training focuses on preventing and combating violence in a family context, including honour-based violence. This is carried out by enabling trust and building dialogues between migrant parents and front-line workers. In this training, frontline workers are informed about parental rights, cultural awareness, children's rights, honour-related violence and oppression and domestic violence. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs Adaptable English /

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Remittances: Maximize Financial Aid for Families - Training

Developed as part of IOM's O-REMIT project.

The manual provides strategies to maximize the use of remittances while promoting cost transparency, management of personal finances and budgeting, and digital inclusion. Diaspora and migrant communities 3-4 hours Dutch, French and English /

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.


Voluntary return and reintegration
Training Description Target group Duration Language To combine with Training modality

Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration: Initiation - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

This information session will provide a general introduction into the programme of Voluntary Return and Reintegration in Belgium. Three phases of assistance will be explained, pre-departure assistance and counselling; travel assistance and post-arrival assistance. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs, private sector, public institutions Adaptable Dutch, French, English and Spanish Support to persons with medical needs in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session (Voluntary return and reintegration) Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Integrated Approach to Reintegration: Practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance - Training

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

Based on the integrated approach to reintegration and IOM's Reintegration Handbook, the training is divided in five modules:​ an integrated approach to reintegration​(1), reintegration assistance at the individual level​ (2), reintegration assistance at the community level​ (3), reintegration assistance at the structural level​ (4), monitoring and Evaluation of reintegration initiatives​ (5) and a Child Rights Approach to The Sustainable Reintegration of Migrant Children and Families (6). Return and reintegration counselors, coordinators, managers, policymakers and practitioners 2h (introduction). For full training, the package can be adapted from 1,5 days up to 5 days, depending on the audience and training needs. Dutch, French and English  

Blended approach possible: Online training course and in person training modules.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Psychosocial approach to reintegration counselling - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

This training is intended to provide key information on the importance of a psychosocial approach to reintegration counselling, describing the basic counselling and communication skills necessary to conduct a successful and psychologically informed reintegration counselling interview with a migrant. Frontline workers, Return and Reintegration counsellors and practitioners 3 hours Dutch, French and English  

Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Rights-based and Migrant-centered approach to Return Counselling - Training

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

The main goal of this training curriculum is to ensure that return and migration practitioners as well as policymakers are better equipped to design, support and carry out rights-based and migrant-centered return counselling in line with IOM policies and international standards. The curriculum is divided into 6 Modules: understanding return (1), Return Counselling Methodology (2), Identifying and addressing migrants’ protection needs and vulnerabilities in the context of return (3), Delivering return counselling in different settings (4), Key elements for an accountable counselling programme (5), Counselling of children and their families (6).

Frontline workers, Return counsellors Return counselling services' coordinators and managers Return and migration management actors and stakeholders, including policymakers and practitioners 3,5 days for the full training. However, the curriculum is modular with the possibility of adapting depending on the context, learning needs, objectives and audience. Dutch, French and English  

In-person training by IOM. Virtual trainings can be considered.

Supporting materials are available and can be requested via the registration form.

Support to persons with medical needs in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

This session provides more information on voluntary return & reintegration of persons with medical needs. The Adapted Medical Assistance After Return (AMAAR) project allows people to receive reintegration assistance adapted to their medical needs. The information session expands on the project, the profiles that may be eligible, the procedures and the timeframe. An important part of the information session focuses on mental health, psychosocial support and the organization of the return.

Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs, medical escorts, Hospitals and medical institutions

2 hours Dutch, French and English Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session (Voluntary return and reintegration) Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

This information session focuses on Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration as a sustainable solution for VoTs. Topics such as the risk assessment of VoTs and the challenges of reintegration assistance are discussed. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs 2 hours Dutch, French and English

Access to justice for victims of labour exploitation and migrant workers - Training ; Counter-Trafficking - Info session (Migrant protection);

Support to persons with medical needs in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session (Voluntary return and reintegration)

Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.

Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session

Developed as part of IOM's AVRR project.

In this information session, participants are informed of the specific vulnerabilities of Unaccompanied Migrant Children (UMC) who wish to return to their countries of origin. The information session provides participants the tools to deal with those vulnerabilities at all stages of the return and reintegration process. Frontline workers, staff from CSOs and NGOs, Return and Reintegration counsellors Adaptable Dutch, French and English

Caring for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training; Culture-sensitive care for Unaccompanied Migrant Children Training; Working with Unaccompanied Migrant Children in reception - Training (Child protection); 

Support to persons with medical needs in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session; Support to Victims of Trafficking in the context of Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration - Info session (Voluntary return and reintegration)

Virtual/In-person info session by IOM.