Who We Are
WHO WE AREThe International Organization for Migration (IOM) is part of the United Nations System as the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all, with 175 member states and a presence in over 100 countries. IOM has had a presence in Belgium since 1973.
IOM Global
IOM Global
Our Work
Our WorkAs the leading inter-governmental organization promoting since 1951 humane and orderly migration, IOM plays a key role to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through different areas of intervention that connect both humanitarian assistance and sustainable development. IOM in Belgium and Luxembourg provides a comprehensive response to the humanitarian needs of migrants, returnees and host communities.
Cross-cutting (Global)
Cross-cutting (Global)
- Data and Resources
- Take Action
- 2030 Agenda
The Equalcity Project supports local authorities in fostering inclusion and protection of migrants who are at risk, or who have survived sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). The objective of the project is to build capacity of local frontline services through the development of practical training tools and awareness raising material on SGBV. Equalcity is piloted in 4 partner cities: Brussels, Luxembourg, Rome and Gothenburg, with each partner city focusing on one topic and developing a specific toolbox (see below). This project is funded by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020),
The Equalcity toolboxes can be downloaded in various language on each specific toolbox page:
- Safe(r) spaces for LGBTQI+ people with a migrant background - How to set up safe(r) frontline services?
- SGBV against migrant women and girls - How to provide tailored services as a frontline worker?
- Parenting in a new country - How to engage in trustbuilding dialogue with migrant parents?
- Working with Unaccompanied Migrant children - How to provide tailored services as a frontline worker?
To ensure transparency and practicability, each toolbox was reviewed by a panel of experts (34 experts in total), crossing diverse professional backgrounds, who provided input and feedback. Adding to this, the project organized thematic workshops, gathering the 66 trainee cities and organizations around the table to have open and interactive dicussions with Equalcity’s partners on the development and application of the toolbox.
Interested in our latest project activities? Read our project update.
- Geographic Coverage
For more information about the trainee cities and organizations, click here.
- Partners
- Timeline
- Contact details
Elisabeth Palmero - Project manager
This project is funded by the European Union