Piloting skills mobility: Lessons learned from the MATCH project and the way forward  


The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in cooperation with Eurochambres, organised the MATCH Project Final Conference on the 17th of November 2022 in Brussels, and online. 


Topic of the conference

The conference was centred on disseminating the main outcomes and lessons learned from the MATCH project, a pilot project funded by the European Union (EU) and aimed at addressing labour market shortages in four EU Member States - Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, or the Netherlands - by helping companies with the sourcing and recruiting of African talents from Senegal and Nigeria, two countries offering a surplus of qualified professionals. In addition to the job placements, the MATCH project also implemented complementary activities such as skills development, capacity building and knowledge sharing between the participating EU and African countries in order to ensure that this labour mobility initiative is fully beneficial to the migrants and the participating countries.

The conference also hosted a discussion around the views and strategies to build successful Skills Mobility Partnerships (SMPs) for the benefit of all parties involved: origin and destination countries, talents, and employers featured by stakeholders and representatives of the private and the public sector from the destination and origin countries having participated in the MATCH project.

The detailed agenda and narrative of the conference can be found in the resources below together with other project related info sheets.

In case you missed any of the panel discussions, or if you would like to refresh your memory, you can access the conference recordings through the link below. You will also find the slides of lessons learned from the MATCH project and other relevant documents at the end of this page.

Watch the recording of the conference: with the passcode 43N0kfj.#? 


The conference speakers 

johannes  benmariseanitaibrahimasundaydaphnédavymyrtheukavaleriaannawimrobertocedricnataschaoluwajobaabiodunpaolabirgit

