
Global Conference on Cities and Migration

Global Conference on Cities and Migration

On 16 and 17 November 2017 the Belgian government and the City of Mechelen hosted a “Global Conference on Cities and Migration”. It was held in Lamot Congress and Heritage Center in Mechelen.

The Global Conference on Cities and Migration was organized by the institutional partners UN-Habitat, IOM and UCLG, in close coordination with the hosting partners, the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation and the City of Mechelen.

The conference should contribute to building a more positive narrative on migration from the perspective of local and regional authorities.

This is an opportunity for states to commit to a unifying framework on all aspects of international migration, integrating humanitarian and development work, and based on human rights. Local authorities can make important contributions towards the preparation of this agreement, particularly through innovative and more effective approaches to urban governance that accounts for greater diversity, including migration policies for inclusive growth.

It also served as a preparatory event for energizing both local governments’ contribution to developing a Global Compact on Migration and reviewing the status of the implementation of the migration-related commitments of Habitat III, ahead of the first follow-up during the 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in February 2018.

The event gathered more than 150 representatives from local authorities and related associations and networks (over half of the total participants), representatives from UN agencies, foundations and the private sector. Over 50 cities from Europe, North, Central and South America, Asia and Africa are represented.

One of the biggest expected outcomes of this global event is the Mechelen Declaration on Migration by Mayors and Governors of Regional and Local Governments.

For more information about this event please have a look at the press release (ENG/FR) or visit the official website.