
IOM welcomes first ‘Displaced Talent for Europe’ professional in Belgium 

Ammar and his family were welcomed at the airport by the Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) team from IOM Belgium and Luxembourg and Talent Beyond Boundaries. Photo: IOM/Jozefien Dierynck

Brussels, 1 August – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) yesterday welcomed the first professional to arrive in Belgium as part of the Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) programme.  

Ammar, a Syrian national who was displaced to Jordan, has just arrived in Belgium with his family. He is set to begin working at a leading food processing and shipping company, the first in Belgium to hire and integrate into its workforce a displaced talent through DT4E.  

“The moment I received the job offer was unforgettable,” Ammar recalls. “I had mixed emotions that cannot be described in words. The chain that had held me back for years, was finally broken,” he adds. 

The DT4E programme unlocks employment opportunities for displaced individuals in Jordan and Lebanon who have highly marketable skills and the professional experience needed to fill the current skills shortages faced by European employers.  

“Attracting and retaining skilled workers from around the world, including displaced talents, will help to foster growth, drive innovation and knowledge exchange,” said Marise Habib, Chief of Mission, IOM Belgium and Luxembourg.  

“Labour mobility is crucial for filling skill gaps in certain industries. It can complement active education and employment policies as countries grapple with challenges posed by an ageing workforce. Ammar’s arrival through DT4E is a win-win. It helps Belgium address its labour shortages while enabling Ammar and his family to attain a durable solution,” Habib added. 

Ammar will be working at a leading food processing and shipping company.
Ammar will be working at a leading food processing and shipping company, the first in Belgium to hire and integrate a displaced talent through DT4E. Photo: IOM/Jozefien Dierynck


Ammar’s arrival in Belgium inaugurates a labour migration pathway that allows refugees to secure a better future based on their skills and give back to the communities welcoming them. Additional arrivals to Belgium are expected in the coming months, as selected talents complete pre-departure language and orientation courses to ensure a smooth transition into their new jobs.  

Ammar’s message to employers is clear: “If you are considering hiring through DT4E, rest assured that talented displaced [individuals] will do everything possible for your company to prove themselves when you hire them. Unlock their potential and support them in every possible way, because their enthusiasm, passion to contribute, and dedication know no bounds.” 

Funded by the European Union (EU), DT4E is implemented in Belgium by IOM in cooperation with Talent Beyond Boundaries, Fragomen, Fedasil, and VDAB. The programme enables employers to recruit refugees and displaced talent using existing immigration channels such as the Single Permit. DT4E also receives support from Belgian regional and federal authorities, including the Immigration Office and the Departments for Work.  

Watch Ammar’s full story: Displaced Talent for Europe (DT4E) - A testimonial from Ammar ( 


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Note to editors: 

DT4E is funded by the EU’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) which connects skilled professionals in need of international protection based in Jordan and Lebanon with employers in Belgium, Portugal, Ireland and the United Kingdom, and soon in France and Slovakia. This labour mobility scheme is driven by skills shortages and employer needs. The objective is to create a win-win scenario whereby skilled professionals and their families are lifted from displacement to a safer future. At the same time, employers address their labour shortages and promote diversity in their workforce.  

For more information, please contact: 

Jozefien Dierynck at IOM Belgium & Luxembourg, 

Ramona Kundt at IOM Regional Office in Brussels,