
Closing Event – IOM Women4Dev Academy

Closing Event – IOM Women4Dev Academy

On 24 May 2019, IOM organized the closing event of the project “Empowering Female Diaspora Associations to Strengthen their Role in the Development of their Countries of Origin” (IOM Women4Dev Academy).

It took place in the premises of Wallonie-Bruxelles International, and included a festive and musical African cocktail. 

The IOM Women4Dev Academy is a short-term pilot project that was implemented by the IOM Country Office in Brussels, with the financial support of the Belgian Development Cooperation, until 31 May 2019.

The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the empowerment of African diaspora women’s associations in Belgium to strengthen their role and capacities as effective actors in the development of their countries of origin.

Have a look at the press release.

Watch the video [French] of the event here.

More information on the project: English – Français