For U-CARE activities in Germany, please contact Jan Graf (, U-CARE project officer.

Training package (manual and slides): Caring for unaccompanied migrant children – German

The German training manual was further elaborated under the U-CARE project, as to reflect the specific German context.

Family-based carers play a pivotal role in supporting children to develop the skills necessary to grow and thrive, and to overcome the effects of loss, separation and trauma. This training package will support the delivery of training to family-based carers by providing them with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to provide these children with the best possible standards of care.

The training package has been developed to enable professionals, such as social workers and trainers, and experienced family-based cares, such as foster carers, to run a short modular course for family-based carers already caring for or looking to foster unaccompanied migrant children.

Country of Origin Information – German

Please note that due to the complementarity of the FAB and U-CARE project, all training materials were compiled and can be downloaded below. The tools that were developed under the U-CARE are clearly indicated as such.

The leaflets below were developed under the FAB project

The leaflets below were developed under the U-CARE project