Initiated in June 2019, the projects aim to address the needs of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector and Health sector in Rwanda through the engagement of highly skilled diaspora professionals residing in Europe. Through Trainings of Trainers (ToT), the Rwandan diaspora men and women will build the capacity of TVET professors and students in priority courses of the Rwanda Polytechnic’s host institutions (IPRCs) across the country. The Rwandan diaspora professionals will also provide support to (the development of) start-ups, initiated together with and/or by the trained professors and students. With the support of the IOM Development Fund, the scope of the project was expanded in September 2019 to also include the Rwandan health sector, by engaging highly skilled diaspora members residing in Europe for capacity building and skills transfer activities to i.e. local medical practitioners. 

The project will engage diaspora members until May 2022 (TVET) and August 2022 (health). 

Are you interested in joining the project? Have a look at our resources below and see what other diaspora professionals have to say about their experience! Click on the section below to find out how YOU can apply.

Application process

Applications are open! IOM is still looking for interested, motivated Rwandan diaspora members residing in Europe to engage in assignments for knowledge and skills transfer in the TVET and Health sector of Rwanda.

The deadline to apply for opportunities in the TVET sector is 31 January 2022 and 28 February 2022 for health professionals.

Head over to our iDiaspora webpage opportunities to find the temporary assignments in the Rwandan Health sector and TVET sector.

Implementation Partners

The project is implemented by IOM Rwanda in cooperation with IOM Belgium, together with Rwanda Polytechnic, Rwandan Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.


Financial Support

IOM's Rwandan diaspora engagement projects are realized with the financial support of:

CBD    IOM Development Fund