Strengthening guardianship in the EU through capacity building, knowledge exchange and peer learning

The proposed project intervention aims to reinforce guardianship services in the involved EU Member States (i.e. Belgium, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia) through knowledge sharing, capacity building and good practice exchange (i.e. the Netherlands will be involved through the project’s implementing partner Nidos’ EGN as good practice), which will ultimately benefit the well-being, safety and integration of UASC in the EU.

This will be achieved by

  1. Strengthening the capacity of guardianship institutions to better protect and assist UASC;
  2. Increasing the knowledge and skills of guardians on protecting and caring for UASC through the roll-out of trainings and capacity building activities;
  3. Supporting guardians and social services in empowering UASC who are transitioning to adulthood;
  4. Encouraging (inter)national exchange and mutual learning on guardianship systems and the lessons of the innovative project activities to safeguard UASC’s well-being and protect their rights.

GuardianXChange logo

The GuardianXChange project is funded by the European Union

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Project activities

Work packages

WP 2&3WP 4&5




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Meet the team

Dorien Deketele

Arnout Debucquoy