IOM Belgium, in close coordination with Actiris, (the Brussels Regional Employment agency) and the European Union DG REFORM have remained busy implementing the 3rd phase of project activities! Kicking off the third phase of the project was the 2nd round of working group discussions where the vision and mission statement, the conceptual design and the governance structure were co-designed amongst relevant stakeholders.  Based on the consultations that were held during the 1st and 2nd working group discussions, initial documents on the conceptualization of the Coordination Platform were presented to stakeholders who had expressed their interest to participate in a larger stakeholder meeting that was held on the 20th of May.

Here, previous outputs’ results were discussed by participants, giving them the opportunity to provide final feedback, inputs and recommendations to improve the draft conceptual documents, in order to assist in finalizing the conceptional design and functionalities of the envisaged platform.

The inclusion of active stakeholders in the conceptualization is vital to the success of the Platform and henceforth, relies on the valuable contributions and insights of its participants. In the next phase, the conceptual specifications for the platform will be finalized and tailored Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and a financial plan will be developed. This will be followed by the handover to Actiris of the network and the presentation of the concept during a launching event in the final phase of the project. Stay tuned for more updates!  

This project is implemented in coordination with Actiris.  

This project is funded by the European Union via the Structural Reform Support Programme and implemented by IOM in cooperation with the European Commission.