The PATHS (Providing Assistance for Transitioning Housing Solutions) project, funded by ESF+, is a social experimentation which aims to prevent homelessness amongst beneficiaries of International Protection (IP) and Temporary Protection (TP) in Belgium, France and Greece. The project focuses on supporting beneficiaries in the transition to sustainable housing and independent living, including through community sponsorship. It is expected to create new service deliveries to prevent homelessness of beneficiaries in the target countries. 

During a three-year period (November 2024 - November 2027), PATHS will:

  • Create a housing matching platform in Belgium and in France and further develop the Heliospiti platform in Greece;
  • Provide assistance to IP and TP beneficiaries towards accessing sustainable housing through capacity building of intermediary organisations;
  • Sensitise private property owners, real estate agencies, front line workers, community groups, beneficiaries and host families on the importance of equal access to the housing market. 


PATH website visual


Co-funded by the EU

Geographical coverage
PATH geographical coverage

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In line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Compact for Migration (GCM)

SDG 11                     GCM 7                     GCM 16                     GCM 17


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